Many local governments continue to operate under extenuating circumstances because of the coronavirus. These local governments may need additional time for certain administrative requirements. Based on continued government restrictions, closures, and other operating challenges related to coronavirus, HUD has determined that all entitlement grantees have factors beyond their reasonable control that, to HUD’s satisfaction, impact the carrying out of CDBG-assisted activities in a timely manner. Accordingly, HUD is extending the CDBG Timeliness suspension, as set forth in the Notice, further into fiscal year 2021. HUD is suspending all corrective actions, sanctions, and informal consultations for timeliness through June 30, 2021. HUD will continue to monitor changing conditions. Before June 30, 2021, HUD will determine whether to extend this suspension for all or additional portions of fiscal year 2021. HUD may consider regional and local conditions when determining when to begin scheduling informal consultations.
Click below to see the memorandum from HUD: